Talav Investments Limited collects and processes personal data as legislated in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 2016/679. The Company is fully committed to transparency and ensuring the privacy and security of your data.

The Basics

In case you are pressed for time, here is a succinct version of our privacy policy.


  1. We only collect the personal data required to provide you with the Company’s services.
  2. The data we collect is stored in a secure manner.
  3. We will never provide your personal data to third parties for the purposes of marketing or advertising.
  4. We keep your data on file for as long as is necessary to provide the Company’s services to you.
  5. You can request your data, have it removed or anonymised at any time by contacting g[email protected].
  6. Our web-servers/analytics packages log specific data such as IP address/Browser version in order to track performance and to provide you with a tailored user-experience.
  7. Our web-sites may use Cookies to provide you with a better user experience. You can of course block these Cookies using your browser.


What data do we collect?

During the course of the Company’s normal day to day operations we may collect the following types of data:

Personal Data


  • Name
  • Address
  • Telephone Number
  • Email
  • Payment information and account information
  • IP address – Collected automatically by web servers and is not used for anything other than normal day to day ICT operations such as checking for system errors etc.
  • Records of your queries and correspondence with the Company e.g. via email or letter


Non-Personal Data


  • Browser types and cookies – collected automatically by analytics software and websites and not used for anything other than tracking website performance and the provision of a user-friendly interface to end-users.


Why do we need it?

The Company is committed to your privacy. We only collect personal data where absolutely necessary to the provision of the Company’s core services i.e. advisory and investment services.

As such we may need to collect personal data in following circumstances:


  • To communicate in the normal course of business.
  • To provide access to secure areas of our systems.
  • To contact you with information about interesting developments at the Company e.g. mailing lists. This should only occur with your consent.
  • To review job applications made directly to us.


What we do with it?

Your personal data is stored for the most part in the Company offices, Sandyford, Dublin, Ireland. Your data is stored securely on industry standard document and email servers.

Some forms of additional data is hosted with our service providers:


  • Accounting software.
  • Project datasets.
  • Websites are hosted on servers with GoDaddy.
  • Email is hosted with Microsoft Office 365.


The security of your data and also transparency is of the utmost concern to us. Your data will not be transferred to any third-party unless explicitly authorised by you, or if legally required.

Our third-party service providers will have similar pertinent data policies in place.

Any personal data we collect is solely for the provision of the Company’s services to you. We will never provide your personal data to third parties for the purposes of marketing or advertising.

How long do we keep it?

We will maintain data for as long as required to enable the provision of the Company’s services to you and to fulfil legal requirements.

What about security?

The Company will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the security and integrity of your personal data is maintained at all times.

What are your rights?

You have several rights under data protection law in relation to how we use your personal information. You have the right, free of charge, to:


  1. request a copy of the personal information we hold about you
  2. rectify any inaccurate personal information we hold about you
  3. erase personal information we hold about you
  4. restriction of processing of your personal information
  5. object to our use of your personal information for our legitimate interests
  6. receive your personal information in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format and to have that data transmitted to another data controller.


These rights are in some circumstances limited by data protection legislation. If you wish to exercise any of these rights please contact us using the contact details set out above.  We will endeavour to respond to your request

If you have concerns regarding your data then you have the ability to make reasonable requests to see this information, rectify it or have it deleted/anonymised. Please contact us via email with any concerns you might have in this area.

Right to be forgotten

If you would prefer that your data be removed or anonymised then please contact the Company via email at [email protected].

Regarding Cookies

Our websites may store some information on your computer in the form of a “Cookie”. A Cookie is a small text file that is saved locally to your computer and permits us to provide you with a more tailored user experience. You have a right to refuse to accept cookies by blocking them in your internet browser. However you may then experience a reduced user experience should since certain web pages may not be able to maintain your selected preference between page re-loads etc.